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Leaky Trust: Rising Water Charges Threaten Public Confidence in Industry

The article discusses the public’s trust in the water industry and how it will be affected by rising water charges. An overwhelming majority of experts believe that higher prices will erode public trust. Customers feel that they have already paid for necessary upgrades and that water companies prioritise profits over improvements.

The article also examines how water companies can better communicate the need for higher charges. Some suggestions include finding an unbiased voice to deliver the message, clearly explaining what the additional money will be used for, and focusing on fixing basic problems like leaks before asking for more money. There is discussion about whether the responsibility to win public trust lies with the water companies or the regulator.

Finally, the article explores alternative water pricing models. Three quarters of experts believe the current system needs to change. Ideas include full water metering with tiered pricing based on usage, a national flat rate with additional charges for high use, and pricing that reflects the environmental impact of water usage.

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