A totally integrated, full service agency, we pride ourselves on delivering the best tailor-made research programmes that are designed to answer those important questions our clients need answering. We’ve stayed in business for 30 years by ensuring that our research solutions get to the heart of the issues we’re exploring, and by delivering the in depth insights that keep our clients coming back to us.
We offer a full suite of qualitative and quantitative methodologies, online and offline. We take great pride in pulling together the right methodologies to deliver the insights our clients require to move forward with their strategies – even if that means inventing new ways of measuring and capturing consumer response. For example, when Highways England wanted to discover how drivers responded to different speed limits we came up with the idea of dash cams and heart monitors to capture in real time how drivers were reacting as well as the physiological changes taking place.
Whilst we’re best known for our work in a number of regulated industries such as Transport and Utilities, we do have broad experience in other sectors such as Healthcare, Financial Services, Education and the Environment.
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